Tuesday, 11 March 2014

What are your Weaknesses?

When you're asked what your greatest weakness is there are several different ways you can answer, including mentioning skills that aren't critical for the job, skills you have improved on, and turning a negative into a positive. Instead of weakness you can accurate it as "Areas of Improvement”. 

These are some “Areas of Improvement” to choose from the next time you have a job interview:

I used to be a little unorganized, but I started using this tactic and my organization skills have really improved- Explain the specific method of organization you started using that has allowed you to be more organized. Your interviewer will be interested to hear how you’re improving

I want to improve on my Vocabulary. To improve it, I read a lot & try to use new words in each day conversation. – Explain what you read & How often.

I used to wait until the last minute to turn in assignments by their deadlines, but now I’ve started working ahead.”

I used to like to work on one project at a time, but now I can work on multiple and produce higher quality work.”

 You could explain that you've never been strong at public speaking, but over the past few years, you've asked for team leadership roles, run successfully meetings, and found tools to help you be more comfortable when addressing a crowd.

Always explain each weakness with suitable example to turn it into Positive.

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